The varband
contains the implementations of the variable banding method for learning
local dependence and estimating large sparse precision matrix in the
setting where variables have a natural ordering. The details of the
method can be found in Yu,
Bien (2017) Learning Local Dependence in Ordered Data(accepted
to the Journal of Machine Learning Research). In particular, given a
data matrix X ∈ ℝn × p,
with each row an observation of a p dimensional random vector X ∼ N(0, Ω−1 = (LTL)−1),
this package implements a penalized likelihood-based approach of
estimating L with
data-adaptively variable bandwidth. This document serves as an
introduction of using the package.
The main function is varband
, which takes a sample
covariance matrix of the observations and returns the estimate of L. For demonstration purpose and
simulation study, the package also contains functions to generate random
samples from true models with user-specified variable banded
The package contains two functions for generating true models:
and varband_gen
. The function
takes a vector of pre-specified off-diagonal values
and returns a strictly banded L, which corresponds to a
autoregressive model of order equal to the bandwidth. The function
returns a lower triangular block-diagonal
matrix with each block having variable bandwidth.
With a generated true model in place, we can then generate a data matrix X ∈ ℝn × p with each row a random sample drawn independently from a Gaussian distribution of mean zero and covariance Σ = (LTL)−1.
# random sample
x <- sample_gen(L = true, n = n)
# sample covariance matrix
S <- crossprod(scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)) / n
And we can plot the sparsity patterns of the true model and the
sample covariance matrix by using matimage
par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
matimage(true, main = "True L")
matimage(S, main = "Sample covariance matrix")
Besides the sample covariance matrix, the main function
takes three more arguments. First it takes a value
of the tuning parameter λ,
which is a non-negative constant that controls the sparsity level
induced in the resulting estimator. The function also requires an
initial estimate, which could essentially be any lower triangular matrix
with positive diagonals. Finally one needs to specify the weighting
scheme w
to choose between a weighted and an unweighted
estimator. The unweighted estimator puts more penalty and thus produces
a sparser estimator than the weighted one with the same value of λ. As shown in the paper, the
unweighted estimator is more efficient to compute and has better
practical performance, while the weighted estimator enjoys better
theoretical properties.
# use identity matrix as initial estimate
init <- diag(p)
L_weighted <- varband(S = S, lambda = 0.4, init = init, w = TRUE)
L_unweighted <- varband(S = S, lambda = 0.4, init = init, w = FALSE)
par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
matimage(L_weighted, main = "weighted, lam = 0.4")
matimage(L_unweighted, main = "unweighted, lam = 0.4")
In most cases, one does not know the exact value of tuning parameter
λ that should be used. The
function varband_path
gets L̂ along a grid of λ values. Users can specify their
own grid of λ values (via
). Alternatively, a path of decreasing tuning
parameter of user-specified length (via nlam
) will be
generated and returned. In this situation, user also needs to specify
, the ratio of the smallest and largest λ value in the list, where the
largest λ is computed such
that the resulting estimator is a diagonal matrix. And we can plot them
to see if they cover the full spectrum of sparsity level.
# generate a grid of 40 tuning paramters,
# with the ratio of smallest value and largest value equals to 0.03
res <- varband_path(S = S, w = FALSE, nlam = 40, flmin = 0.03)
par(mfrow = c(8, 5), mar = 0.1 + c(0, 0, 2, 0))
for (i in seq_along(res$lamlist))
matimage(res$path[, , i], main = sprintf("lam=%s", round(res$lamlist[i], 4)))
User can also use an implementation of cross-validation process(in
) to select the best value for tuning parameter.
The cross-validation selects the value for lambda such that the
resulting estimators attains the highest average likelihood on the
testing data.
res_cv <- varband_cv(x = x, w = FALSE, nlam = 40, flmin = 0.03)
m <- rowMeans(res_cv$errs_fit)
se <- apply(res_cv$errs_fit, 1, sd) / sqrt(length(res_cv$folds))
plot(res_cv$lamlist, m,
main = "negative Gaussian log-likelihood",
xlab = "tuning parameter", ylab = "average neg-log-likelihood",
type="o", ylim = range(m - se, m + se), pch = 20)
# 1-se rule
lines(res_cv$lamlist, m + se)
lines(res_cv$lamlist, m - se)
abline(v = res_cv$lamlist[res_cv$ibest_fit], lty = 2)
abline(v = res_cv$lamlist[res_cv$i1se_fit], lty = 2)
The return of varband_cv
is a list of many objects. For
details see ?varband_cv
. In particular, the function also
returns the best refitted version of estimates. For example, to take a
look at the support of the best refitted estimate, use
par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
matimage(res_cv$L_fit, main = "Fit")
matimage(res_cv$L_refit, main = "Refit")
Estimating large L can sometimes be time consuming. Also in this case where p is large, we tend to concentrate on learning the local dependence among variables that are not too far away. Therefore, to speed up computation without losing too much of the modeling power, we consider estimating L with the constraint that the resulting estimate is at most K banded for some value of K ≤ p − 1, i.e., L̂ij = 0 for all i > j such that i − j > K.
Computationally, incorporating this constraint is equivalent to solving a series of row problems of size K + 1 rather than r for all r > K + 1, with speicific design matrices. Statistically, that means that we are only estimating the local dependence of Xj only on its K closest predecessors.
To do so in varband
, we can simply specify the value of
parameter K
in the function calls of varband
or varband_cv
. For example, using
the same example in estimating L with a fixed tuning parameter, we
can do
# use identity matrix as initial estimate
init <- diag(p)
L_weighted <- varband(S = S, lambda = 0.4, init = init, K = 20, w = TRUE)
L_unweighted <- varband(S = S, lambda = 0.4, init = init, K = 20, w = FALSE)
par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
matimage(L_weighted, main = "weighted, lam = 0.4")
matimage(L_unweighted, main = "unweighted, lam = 0.4")
Recall the different sparsity patterns when we do not specify the value
of K, in which the default
value of K is set to p − 1, i.e., there is no constraint
on the maximum bandwidth.
Finally, the package varband
also implements an
algorithm that estimates L by
maximizing the ℓ1-penalized
likelihood, which is a method called CSCS
proposed by Khare
et al., (2016). The resulting estimate is less interpretable, since it
does not have a structured sparsity, and it allows entries far from the
diagonal to be non-zero, losing the notion of ‘local’.
To do so, specify the argument lasso = TRUE
in the
function calls to varband
, varband_path
. For example,
# use identity matrix as initial estimate
init <- diag(p)
L_unweighted <- varband(S = S, lambda = 0.4, init = init, K = 20, w = FALSE)
L_CSCS <- varband(S = S, lambda = 0.4, init = init, K = 20, lasso = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1,2), mar = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
matimage(L_unweighted, main = "unweighted, lam = 0.4")
matimage(L_CSCS, main = "CSCS, lam = 0.4")
Note that by using ℓ1
penalty, we can also include a maximum bandwidth in the resulting